The blog "Religion, Humanity, and AI" is an academic bibliographic blog that, through continuous updates, gathers and systematizes studies, both domestic and international, related to issues of religion and Artificial Intelligence.
The goal of the blog is to promote research on the most revolutionary technological development of the modern era, by linking it with the challenges humanity faces in areas such as faith, ethics, values, rights, and its applications in just governance. This human-centered and theological - religious perspective of the issue is, after all, the fundamental concern in every aspect of life.
Specifically, however, in this blog, the human-centered aspect of Artificial Intelligence is further highlighted, as it relates to pioneering literature that thoroughly explores the theological approach to this technological phenomenon, with references to the religiosity of contemporary humans. Thus, bibliographic references will be provided to publications that mainly focus on how Artificial Intelligence can influence the study and interpretation of the sacred texts of the Bible, as well as the participation of Christians in the life of the Church. At the same time, there will also be bibliographic references related to other religions, such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Eastern religions, and contemporary religious movements.
Το blog "Religion, Humanity and AI" αποτελεί ακαδημαϊκό βιβλιογραφικό ιστολόγιο στο οποίο, μέσα από συνεχείς ενημερώσεις, συγκεντρώνονται και συστηματοποιούνται όσες μελέτες, εγχώριες και διεθνείς, αναφέρονται σε θέματα θρησκείας και Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης.
Στόχος του blog είναι η προώθηση της έρευνας πάνω στην πιο επαναστατική τεχνολογική εξέλιξη της σύγχρονης εποχής, μέσω της συσχέτισής της με τις προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζει ο άνθρωπος στους τομείς της πίστης, ηθικής, των αξιών, των δικαιωμάτων και τις εφαρμογές της στην δίκαιη διακυβέρνηση. Αυτή η ανθρωποκεντρική και παράλληλα θεολογική - θρησκευτική διάσταση του θέματος, αποτελεί, άλλωστε, και το ζητούμενο κάθε πτυχής της ζωής.
Ειδικότερα, ωστόσο, στο συγκεκριμένο ιστολόγιο, αυτή η ανθρωποκεντρική διάσταση της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης αναδεικνύεται ακόμη περισσότερο, καθώς σχετίζεται με πρωτοποριακή βιβλιογραφία, η οποία ερευνά αναλυτικά την θεολογική προσέγγιση αυτού του τεχνολογικού φαινομένου, κάνοντας αναφορά στην θρησκευτικότητα του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου. Έτσι, θα παρατίθενται βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές σε δημοσιεύσεις οι οποίες αφορούν κυρίως στον τρόπο με τον οποίο η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη μπορεί να επηρεάσει την μελέτη και ερμηνεία των ιερών κειμένων της Αγίας Γραφής, αλλά και την συμμετοχή των Χριστιανών στη ζωή της Εκκλησίας. Παράλληλα, όμως, θα υπάρχουν σχετικές βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές και σε άλλες θρησκείες, όπως του Ιουδαϊσμού, του Ισλάμ, του Ινδουισμού, των θρησκειών της Ανατολής καθώς και σε σύγχρονα θρησκευτικά κινήματα.
Editor: Very Revd. Dr. Aristarchos (Vasileios) Gkrekas (Associate Professor).
Contact us via E-mail:
- Hirji, Karim F. Religion, Society and Artificial Intelligence. (Quebec: Daraja Press).
- Singler, Beth. Watts, Fraser, The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Artificial Intelligence. (Cambridge University Press).
- Singler, Beth. Religion and Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction. (Routledge).
- Gaudet, Matthew J. Herzfeld, Noreen. Scherz, Paul. Wales, Jordan J (ed.). Encountering Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Anthropological Investigations. (A.I. Research Group for the Centre for Digital Culture Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Holy See. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2024).
- Gkrekas, Aristarchos. Kokkinos, Nicholas (ed.). Exploring Religious Dimensions in AI and Humanity. (Bloomsbury, Rowman & Littlefield Academic, Lexington Books, Washington DC Maryland, 2024).
- Kruger, Elias. Sigmon, Brian (ed.). Faithful AI: Stories of Hope from 2045. (Seatle: Ai & Faith, 2024).
- United Nations Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence. Governing AI for humanity : Final report. (United Nations Digital Library 2024).
- Werthner, Hannes (et. al.). Introduction to Digital Humanism: A Textbook. (Cham: Springer Nature 2024).
- Abrudan, Elena. "The Human Condition in the Digital Age". Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 23/68 (2024), pp. 88-94.
- Abusharif, Ibrahim N. ''Religious Knowledge Production and Digital Affordances''. Journal of Islamic and Muslim studies, 9/1 (2024), pp. 108-114.
- Alexopoulos, Stefanos. "Ἡ θεία λατρεία μεταξὺ θεολογίας, εὐσέβειας καὶ ψηφιακῆς πραγματικότητας: Μερικὲς σκέψεις καὶ προβληματισμοὶ". Θεολογία 95/1 (2024), σσ. 269-286.
- Ali, Syed Mustafa. "AI and/as Racialised Political Theology". Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 35/3, pp. 645–666.
- Alkhouri, Khader I. "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Study of the Psychology of Religion". Religions 15/3 (2024):290.
- Barlow, Jonathan. Holt, Lynn. "Attention (to Virtuosity) Is All You Need: Religious Studies Pedagogy and Generative AI". Religions 15/9 (2024): 1059.
- Batalias, Alexandros. "Gregor von Nyssa und künstliche Intelligenz". Religion and Society in East and West 9 (2024), pp. 20-23.
- Batalias, Alexandros. «Τεχνητὴ Νοημοσύνη καὶ Δημοκρατία». Σύναξη 172 (2024).
- Brackens, Jonathan Dawayne. "An Artificial Review of Jesus’s Torah Compliance and What That Might Mean for Jews and Gentile Christians". Laws 13/3 (2024): 36.
- Chabata, Lovejoy. "Artificial intelligence and Afrocentric Biblical Hermeneutics crossroads in Zimbabwe (Col 2:8)". Hervormde teologiese studies 80/1 (2024).
- Chatzivasileiou, Dimitra. Psomiadi, Anastasia. Efthymiou-Egleton, Theoharris William, Kassar, Laura. "Artificial Intelligence and Theology: Can Different Doctrines Have Different Outcomes?", Journal of Politics and Ethics in New Technologies and AI 3/1 (2024), pp. 1-9.
- Chen, Zheng. He, Yu. "Correlation of Christian ethics and developments in artificial intelligence". Technology, Analysis & Strategic Management 36/7 (2024), pp. 1635-1645.
- Choelous, Dimitrios. "«Δεῦτε οἰκοδομήσωμεν ἑαυτοῖς πόλιν καὶ πύργον, οὗ ἡ κεφαλὴ ἔσται ἕως τοῦ οὐρανοῦ…» (Γεν. 11, 4). Τεχνητὴ Νοημοσύνη καὶ πρόσωπο: ἐξέλιξη ἢ ὕβρις;" Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 139-154.
- Christias, Panagiotis. "Ισχύς, 'τεχνητή νοημοσύνη' και 'απόφαση'." Θεολογία 95/1 (2024), σσ. 355- 367.
- Condrey, B.J. "The Christian educator as prophet, priest, and king: Nurturing moral formation in a ChatGPT era". International Journal of Christianity & Education 28/2 (2024), pp. 198-218.
- Davison, Andrew. "Angels and AI, Immortality and Heresy, Hierarchies and Love: Responses to Replies to Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine". Theology and Science, 22/4 (2024), pp. 681-690.
- Dagan, Ido. "Trans-Belief: Developing Artificial Intelligence NLP Model Capable of Religious-Belief-like Cognitive Processes for Expected Enhanced Cognitive Ability". Religions 15/6 (2024): 655.
- Florea, Diana. Gilder, Eric. "Pushing the Limits of Theosis in the Digital Age: Exploring AI Complexities and their Impact on Romanian Relegious Practices". Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 23/68 (2024), pp.73-87.
- Ghaly, Mohammed. "What Makes Work “Good” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Islamic Perspectives on AI-Mediated Work Ethics", The Journal of Ethics 28/3 (2024), pp. 429-453.
- Graves, Mark. "Framing Theological Investigations of Near-Future AI". Theology and Science 22/4 (2024), pp. 657-661.
- Gruchoła, Małgorzata. Sławek-Czochra, Małgorzata. Zieliński, Robert. "Artificial Intelligence as a Tool Supporting Prayer Practices". Religions 15/3 (2024): 271.
- He, Yugang. "Artificial Intelligence and Socioeconomic Forces: Transforming the Landscape of Religion". Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11/1 (2024), pp. 602-610.
- He, Yugang. "Artificial intelligence and religious freedom: divergent paths converging on economic expansion". Humanities & social sciences communications, 11/1 (2024):138.
- Heilig, Christoph. "An AI - Generated Exegesis of 2 Cor 2:14", By Claude 3, prompted Dr. Christoph Heilig, March 20, 2024, pp. 1-16.
- Hipólito, Inês. "The Human Roots of Artificial Intelligence:A Commentary on Susan Schneider's Artificial You". Philosophy East & West 74/2 (2024), pp. 297-305.
- Kanu, Ikechukwu Anthony. Paul, Pilani Michael. Philip Chika Omenukwa. "Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Biblical Wisdom and the Exodus (31:1-11) Narrative: Converging Perspectives". Journal of Propulsion Technology 45/3 (2024), pp. 3030-3044.
- Kaunda, Chammah J. ""Always-Already-Created": Theology of Creation in the Context of Artificial Intelligence". Theology and Science 22/2 (2024), pp. 407-424.
- Komuda, Radoslaw. Oviedo, Lluis. Lumbreras, Sara. "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Christian Anthropology Where the Concerns Lie". ET-Studies 15/1 (2024), pp. 3-27.
- Konigsburg, Joyce Ann. "Scientific Wonder, Artificial Intelligence, and Awe of the Divine". Religions 15/4 (2024): 442.
- Kounnousies, Georgios. "Ὁ νεωτερικὸς ἄνθρωπος στὴν ψηφιακὴ ἐποχή: ἀνώνυμο ἄτομο ἢ ἐπώνυμο πρόσωπο;" Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 155-170.
- Kozak, Jaroslaw. Fel, Stanislaw. "The Relationship between Religiosity Level and Emotional Responses to Artificial Intelligence in University Students". Religions 15/3 (2024): 331.
- La Cruz, Alexandra. Mora, Fernando. "Researching Artificial Intelligence Applications in Evangelical and Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches: Purity, Bible, and Mission as Driving Forces" Religions 15/2 (2024): 234.
- Larsson, Simon. Viktorelius, Martin. "Reducing the contingency of the world: magic, oracles, and machine-learning technology". AI & society 39/1 (2024), pp. 183-193.
- Latifi, Hasan. "Challenges of Using Artificial Intelligence in the Process of Shi’i 'Ijtihad' ". Religions 15/5 (2024): 541.
- Leone, Massimo. "Technology and Sacrifice". Religions 15/6 (2024): 692.
- Lemasters, Ryan. "Religious Transhumanism as a New Religious Movement: Sketching a Model of the Development of Religious Transhumanism". Religions 15/8 (2024), p. 885.
- Lob-Hüdepohl, Andreas. "Seelsorge durch 'Spriritual-Carebots'? Ethische Vorklärungen für eine KI-gestützte Pastoralpraxis". ET-Studies 15/1 (2024), pp. 47-65.
- Loudovikos, Nikolaos. "Ὁ Τεχνο-πίθηκος καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια: εἶναι δυνατὴ μιὰ σχετικὴ ἐπανερμηνεία τῆς Ὀρθόδοξης θεολογίας σήμερα;", Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 69-88.
- Magerstädt, Sylvie. "Upload, Cyber-Spirituality and the Quest for Immortality in Contemporary Science-Fiction Film and Television". Religions 15/1 (2024), p. 109.
- Messeri, Lisa. Crockett, M. J. "Artificial intelligence and illusions of understanding in scientific research". Nature 627 (2024), pp. 49-58.
- Navon, Mois. "To Make a Mind-A Primer on Conscious Robots". Theology and Science 22/1 (2024), pp. 221-241.
- Necula, Constantin Valer. Dumulescu, Daniela. "Artificial Intelligence andd Religion: Between Slavery and the Path to Salvation". Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 23/68 (2024), pp. 47-58.
- Oleksowicz, Michal . "New Mechanistic Explanation: Can It Be Interesting for a Theologian". Thelogy and Science 22/2 (2024), pp. 309-329.
- Oprea, Simona‐Vasilica. Nica, Ionut. Bâra, Adela. Georgescu, Irina‐Alexandra. "Are skepticism and moderation dominating attitudes toward AI‐based technologies?". The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 83/3 (2024), pp. 567-607.
- Papalexiou, Kerasenia. "Ἡ ἔντεχνος σοφία τῆς Ἀθηνᾶς στὸν μῦθο τοῦ Προμηθέα vs. τεχνικὸ πνεῦμα τῆς ὕστερης νεωτερικότητας". Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 263-276.
- Popova, S. S. "Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Activities of Religious Associations and Control Over Them". Journal of Digital Technologies and Law 2/1 (2024), pp. 101-122.
- Puzio, Anna. "A NAO Robot performing Religious Practices". ET-Studies 15/1 (2024), pp. 129-140.
- Simmerlein, Jonas. Tretter, Max. "Robots in Religious Practices: A Review". Theology and Science 22/2 (2024), pp. 255-273.
- Siomos, Konstantinos. "Τεχνολογίες τοῦ μέλλοντος καὶ οἱ ἐπιδράσεις τους στὴν κοινωνία καὶ τὴν ἀνθρώπινη συμπεριφορὰ". Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 277-284.
- Skliris, Dionysios. "Συνείδηση, νοημοσύνη καὶ σωματικότητα στὴ σύγχρονη ψηφιακὴ τεχνολογία: Ἀνιχνεύοντας τὸ μυστήριο τοῦ προσώπου στὴν ἐποχὴ τῆς τεχνητῆς νοημοσύνης". Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 189-210.
- Skliris, Dionysios. «Δημοκρατία καὶ ψηφιακὴ τεχνολογία σήμερα». Σύναξη 172 (2024).
- Slattery, John P. Green, Brian Patrick. "Encountering Artificial Intelligence in the Catholic Tradition". Theology and Science 22/2 (2024), pp. 251-254.
- Sona, Federica. "Accelerating the Digital Transition: European and Muslim Responses to Artificial Intelligence and ICT s". Journal of Religion in Europe 10 (2024), pp. 1-33.
- St. Lawrence, Emma. "The Algorithm Holy: TikTok, Technomancy, and the Rise of Algorithmic Divination". Religions 15/4 (2024), p. 435.
- Stoyadinov, Mariyan. "Technology and Alienation", Θεολογία 95/1 (2024), σσ. 379-392.
- Timpas, Telis. "Τεχνολογία, Καπιταλισμός, Ἱστορία: Ὁ ἀσίγαστος πόθος μιᾶς τεχνητῆς νοημοσύνης, τὰ συσσωρευόμενα πάθη τῶν πλασμάτων τῆς φύσης". Θεολογία 95/1 (2024), σσ. 369-377.
- Tsuria, Ruth. Tsuria, Yossi. "Artificial Intelligence’s Understanding of Religion: Investigating the Moralistic Approaches Presented by Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools". Religions 15/3 (2024): 375.
- Vidican-Manci, Liviu L. "Prayer and AI: Exploring the Impact on Orthodox Romanian Youth in a Confessional High School Context". Religions 15/2 (2024), p. 181.
- Vougiouklakis, Spyridon - Ioannis. "Ἡ Τεχνητὴ Νοημοσύνη ἀπέναντι στὴν ὀρθόδοξη προσέγγιση τῆς ἔννοιας τοῦ προσώπου". Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 223-250.
- Xidakis, Ioannis. "Digital Religion: Religion in the neomythological worlds of Video Games". Θεολογία 95/2 (2024), σσ. 285-302.
- Zheng, Yutong. "Buddhist Transformation in the Digital Age: AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Humanistic Buddhism". Religions 15/1 (2024): 79.
- Ziethmann, Paula. Schlögl-Flieri, Kerstin. "Verantwortung im Feld der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) Ein großes Thema kleinteilig umgesetzt. Die praktische Dimension der Forschung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz reflektiert". ET-Studies 15/1 (2024), pp. 141-149.
- Bird, Michael F. "Paul within Judaism: An AI Conversation". Word form the Bird. October 9, 2024.
- Fale, Mantim I. "Religious Discrimination in the Digital Age: How Algorithms Can Reinforce Bias". Medium, March 6, 2024.
- Fakhar, Atiqa. "Religious Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Exploring Moral Considerations and Ethical Perspectives". AI and Faith, January 11, 2024.
- Frantzeskakis, Ioannis. Η ανθρωπολογική και κοινωνική θεωρία του ιστορικού Yuval Noah Harari υπό το πρίσμα της Ορθόδοξης Θεολογίας. (Msc Dissertation, Hellenic Open University, 2024).
- Hunter, William. "Church in Switzerland is using an AI-powered Jesus hologram to take confession". Daily Mail, November 20, 2024.
- Lozano, Alexander. "Some Observations on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Religion". Catholic Insight, July 15, 2024.
- Nidam, Ofer. "Rabbis vs. robots: can AI become the new authority in future Halacha rulings?"., May 31, 2024.
- Schirch, Lisa. "Religion and AI Ethics for Peace". Toda Peace Institute. September 18, 2024.
- Stub, Zev. "A Jewish institution asks: What does Judaism have to say about AI?". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. March 4, 2024.
- AI & Humanity Lab, The University of Hong Kong.
- American Islamic College. Ibrahim N. Abusharif : Religious Authority in Contemporary Islam and Digital Media Disruptions
- Rev. Nikolaos Loudovikos: Η απο-πιθηκοποίηση του τεχνο-ανθρώπου.
- Bloomberg Originals: Ist KI eine neue Religion?
- Chakraborty Swati (ed.). Investigating the Impact of AI on Ethics and Spirituality. (Hershey: IGI Global, 2023).
- Floridi, Luciano. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Principles, Challenges, and Opportunities. (Oxford University Press, 2023).
- Puzio, Anna. Kunkel, Nicole. Klinge, Hendrik (ed.). Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion? Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Theologie und Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol. 1. (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2023).
- Stahl, Bernd Carsten. Schroeder, Doris. Rodrigues, Rowena. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenges. (In SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance. Edited by D. Schroeder and K. Iatridis. Lancashire: Springer, 2023).
- Al-Kassimi, Khaled. "A Postmodern (Singularity) Future with a Post-Human Godless Algorithm: Trans-Humanism, Artificial Intelligence, and Dataism". Religions 14/8 (2023): 1049.
- Andriansyah, Yuli. "The Current Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Religious Studies: Some Reflections Based on ChatGPT." Journal of Religious Studies 22 (2023), pp. 9–18.
- Balle, Simon. "Theological Dimensions of Humanlike Robots: A Roadmap for Theological Inquiry". Theology and Science 21/1 2023, pp. 132-156.
- Burdett, Michael Stephen. "Proximate and Ultimate Concerns in Christian Ethical Responses to Artificial Intelligence". Studies in Christian Ethics 36/3 (2023), pp. 620-641.
- Chen, Zhisheng. "Ethics and discrimination in artificial intelligence-enabled recruitment practices". Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (2023), pp. 1-12.
- Coghill, George M. "Artificial Intelligence (and Christianity): Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?" Studies in Christian Ethics 36/3 (2023), pp. 604-619.
- Despotis, Sotirios. "Μελετώντας την Βίβλο στην εποχή της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης. Προτάσεις για μια εναλλακτική Ανάγνωση των ιερών κειμένων σε συνδυασμό με την χρήση των Μεγάλων Γλωσσικών Μοντέλων", Synochi 2 (2023), σσ. 171 - 194.
- Díaz-Rodríguez, Natalia. Del Ser, Javier. Coeckelbergh, Mark. de Prado, Marcos López. Herrera-Viedma, Enrique. Herrera, Francisco. "Connecting the dots in trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: From AI principles, ethics, and key requirements to responsible AI systems and regulation". Information Fusion 99 (2023): 101896.
- Dwivedi,Divya. "Algorithmic Bias: A Challenge for Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)". Pages 65-82 in G. S. Heggde (ed.) Immersive Technology and Experiences (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer Nature, 2023).
- Elmahjub, Ezieddin. "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Islamic Ethics: Towards Pluralist Ethical Benchmarking for AI", Philosophy & Technology 36/73 (2023), pp. 1-24.
- Forster, Dion Angus. "African theological perspectives on intersubjective identity: In conversation with developments in Strong Artificial Intelligence". Stellenbosch Theological Journal 9/1 (2023), pp. 1-23.
- Frunza, Sandu. "Cultural Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Counseling in the Age of Artificial Intelligence". Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 22/64 (2023), pp. 80-95.
- Iqbal, Muzaffar. "AI Is Calling from Rome, Once Again". Theology and Science 21/2 (2023), pp. 205-208.
- Karata¸s, Mustafa. Cutright, Keisha M. "Thinking about God increases acceptance of artificial intelligence in decision-making". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120/ 33 (2023): e2218961120.
- Kumar, Shailendra. Choudhury, Sanghamitra. "Normative ethics, human rights, and artificial intelligence". Ai and ethics 3/2 (2023), pp. 441-450.
- Li, Oliver. "Artificial General Intelligence and Panentheism". Theology and Science 21/2 (2023), pp. 273-287.
- Lima, Bruno Cesar Dos Santos. Omar, Nizam. Avansi, Israel.De Castro, Leandro. "Use of artificial intelligence in biblical citation recommendations in the New Testament." Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimen 2 (2023), pp. 123-143.
- Nath, Sourasish. Das, Upamita. Ghosh, Debmitra. "A Religious Sentiment Detector Based on Machine Learning to Provide Meaningful Analysis of Religious Texts.". Pages 165–184 in K. Dasgupta, S. Mukhopadhyay, J. K. Mandal and P. Dutta (ed.) Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 2023).
- Oberg, Andrew. "Souls and Selves: Querying an AI Self with a View to Human Selves and Consciousness". Religions 14/1 (2023): 75.
- Puzio, Anna. "Robot, let us pray! Can and should robots have religious functions? An ethical exploration of religious robots". AI & Society (2023), pp. 1-17.
- Singler, Beth. "“Will AI Create A Religion?”: Views of the Algorithmic Forms of the Religious Life in Popular Discourse". American Religion 5/1 (2023), pp. 95-103.
- Shumakova, N. I. Titova, E. V. "Towards Establishing Criteria for the Ethical Analysis of Artificial Intelligence". Journal of Digital Technologies and Law 1/2 (2023), pp. 540-563.
- Trotta, Angelo. "The future of ethics in AI: Challenges and opportunities". AI & Society 38 (2023), pp. 439–441.
- Trotta, Susanna. "Religious Actors and Artificial Intelligence: Examples from the Field and Suggestions for Further Research". Religion and Development (2023), pp. 1-25.
- Turini, Stefano. "Binary Testament: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the A.I. Bible—Unveiling the Quantum Tapestry of Digital Divinity". Qeios, December 21, 2023, pp. 1-11.
- Umbrello, Steven. "The Intersection of Bernard Lonergan’s Critical Realism, the Common Good, and Artificial Intelligence in Modern Religious Practices". Religions 14/12 (2023): 1536.
- Uttam, Jitendra. "Between Buddhist ‘Self-Enlightenment’ and ‘Artificial Intelligence’: South Korea Emerging as a New Balancer". Religions 14/2 (2023): 150.
- Vaccino-Salvadore, Silvia. "Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of Using ChatGPT in Language Learning and Beyond". Languages 8 (2023): 191.
- Zaid, Abdelal. "AI vs. Human Translators: Navigating the Complex World of Religious Texts and Cultural Sensitivity." International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 6/11 (2023), pp. 173–82.
- Zhou, Linda. Caines, Andrew. Pete, Ildiko. Hutchings, Alice. "Automated hate speech detection and span extraction in underground hacking and extremist forums". Natural Language Engineering 29/5 (2023), pp. 1247-1274.
- André, Fiona. "A New AI App Lets Users ‘Text’ with Jesus. Some Call It Blasphemy". The Washington Post. August 12, 2023.
- Bougas, Ioannis P. "Θεο-λογεί το Ρομπότ;" Huffington Post. 26/03/2023.
- Dawson, Cheri L. "The Intersection of Technology and Faith: Exploring AI through a Biblical Lens.'' Linkedin. July 15, 2023.
- Giatti, Ian M., "Israeli futurist, author predicts AI will soon 'write a new Bible'". Christian Post. June 14, 2023.
- moment. "Ask the Rabbis | What Impact Will Artificial Intelligence Have On People’s Spiritual Lives?". July 24, 2023.
- Morozov, Evgeny. "The True Threat of Artificial Intelligence". New York Times, June 30, 2023.
- Samuel, Sigal. "Silicon Valley’s vision for AI? It’s religion, repackaged." Vox. September 7, 2023.
- Xu, Ximian (Simeon). "Understanding AI from a Theological Perspective". University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Futures Institute August 3, 2023.
- Zhao, Jun . Discussions of ethical principles of child-centred AI appear at Nature Machine Intelligence. Oxford Child-Centred AI (OxfordCCAI) Design Lab.May 3, 2024.
- CBN News: Is AI the new God? One Author thinks so.
- Harvard Business Review: AI Won’t Replace Humans — But Humans With AI Will Replace Humans Without AI. August 4, 2023.
- Heilig, Christoph. "Theologie im Zeitalter der KI. Chancen, Grenzen und Gefahren". Theologische Fakultät Leipzig, 19. Juni 2023.
- Filippi, Steven. Jennings-Grund. Hope. Digital dilemmas: feminism, ethics, and the cultural implications of AI [podcast]. April 25, 2023.
- Kosmukhambetova, Karina: Generative AI Talk Series Session 1 - Navigating the Ethics of AI with Prof. Luciano Floridi. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
- Lex Fridman Podcast. George Hotz: AI will create a new religion.
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